shiyakujin no hokora
A Book of Little Traditions
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ToCshintô and minzoku NEO-shintôThe Five Es

The Five Es – 10 / 23 / 2021
Here are the relevant definitions of the Five Es, as they apply to a Folk Religion. While none of these are unique to folk religion, if a religion's praxis is based on all of these and control of that praxis is local, that religion may be considered to be "folk".
Existential – Relating to or dealing with existence. Based on experience; empirical.
Existence – The fact or state of existing; being. All that exists. A thing that exists; an entity. Specific presence; occurrence.
Existentialist – Based on the idea that because you engage in some of all the practices that make something up, you are what you say you are. The folk, the commons, are usually existentialists, as opposed to essentialists*.
*Essentialist – Based on the idea that because of what you say you are, you must engage in all the practices that make it up. Academians, priests, and theologians are usually essentialists.
Experiential – Relating to or derived from experience.
Experience – The apprehension of an object, a thought, or an emotion through the senses or mind. Active participation in events or activities, leading to the accumulation of knowledge or skill. An event or a series of events participated in or lived through. The totality of such events in the past.
Experimental – Relating to or based on experiment. Founded on experience; empirical.
Experiment – To try something new, especially in order to gain experience.
Empirical – Relying on or derived from observation. Guided by practical experience and not theory.
Empiric – Guided by practical experience rather than precepts or theory.
Event Orientated – To focus on something that takes place, a significant occurrence, or happening.

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