shiyakujin no hokora
A Book of Little Traditions
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ToCminzoku shintôminkandenshôjôreichisana dentôjosûshi

josûshi (Counters) – 05 / 13 / 2014
josûshi じょすうし 助数詞
jo (help, assist)
sû (number, figures)
shi (part of speech, words)
josûshi (counters for various categories, counter suffix)
❖ Used along with numbers to count things, actions, and events
❖ There are several hundred different counters in Japanese
❖ Counters are not independent words and always appear with a number
(or question word like when, what, where, etc) before them
❖ Counters generally occur after the noun (following particles)
❖ If counters are used before the noun, they emphasize the quantity
daiji だいじ 大字
dai (big, large)
ji (character, letter, word)
daiji (large character, alternative kanji used for numbers)

❖ Mostly used in legal, financial or old documents
❖ Unlike some modern kanji numerals, can not be easily changed to look other kanji
– usually to a larger amount
e.g. adding a line to the top of (ten) to change it to sen (thousand)
ichi いち

❖ Common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal and financial documents

(number one)

❖ Less common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal, financial and old documents

❖ Common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal and financial documents


❖ Less common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal, financial and old documents
san さん

❖ Common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal and financial documents


❖ Less common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal, financial and old documents

❖ Common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal and financial documents


❖ Less common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal, financial and old documents

❖ Common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal and financial documents


❖ Less common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal, financial and old documents
roku ろく

❖ Common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal and financial documents


❖ Less common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal, financial and old documents
nana なな
shichi しち

❖ Common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal and financial documents


❖ Less common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal, financial and old documents
❖ Also pronounced shichi

(number seven)

❖ Less common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal, financial and old documents
hachi はち

❖ Common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal and financial documents


❖ Less common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal, financial and old documents
kyû きゅう

❖ Common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal documents


❖ Less common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal, financial and old documents

❖ Common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal, financial and old documents
hyaku ひゃく

❖ Common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal, and financial documents


❖ Less common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal, financial and old documents
sen せん

❖ Common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal, and financial documents


❖ Less common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal, financial and old documents
man まん
(ten thousand)

❖ Common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal, and financial documents

(ten thousand)

❖ Common daiji
❖ Usually used in legal, financial and old documents
-hon ほん
(counter for long cylindrical things)
(counter for long narrow things)
(counter for films, TV shows, etc.)
(counter for goals, home runs, etc.)

❖ Used with on'yomi pronunciation of numbers
❖ See sûji
ippon いっぽん 一本
ip | ichi (one)
pon | hon (counter for long narrow things)
ippon (one long narrow thing)
nihon にほん 二本
ni (two)
hon (counter for long narrow things)
nihon (two long narrow things)
sanbon さんぼん 三本
san (three)
bon | hon (counter for long narrow things)
sanbon (three long narrow things)
yonhon よんほん 四本
yon (four)
hon (counter for long narrow things)
yonhon (four long narrow things)
gohon ごほん 五本
go (five)
hon (counter for long narrow things)
gohon (five long narrow things)
roppon ろっぽん 六本
rop | roku (six)
pon | hon (counter for long narrow things)
roppon (six long narrow things)
nanahon ななほん 七本
nana (seven)
hon (counter for long narrow things)
nanahon (seven long narrow things)
happon はっぽん 八本
hap | hachi (eight)
pon | hon (counter for long narrow things)
happon (eight long narrow things)
kyûhon きゅうほん 九本
kyû (nine)
hon (counter for long narrow things)
kyûhon (nine long narrow things)
juppon じゅっぽん 十本
jippon じっぽん
jup | jû (ten)
pon | hon (counter for long narrow things)
juppon (ten long narrow things)

jip | jû (ten)
pon | hon (counter for long narrow things)
jippon (ten long narrow things)

❖ Correctly pronounced as jippon, juppon is heard more often
junjosû じゅんじょすう 順序数
jun (obey, order, turn, right, docility, occasion)
jo (order, precedence)
sû (number, strength, fate, law, figures)
junjosû (ordinal numbers)

❖ Numbers denoting rank and precedence
kun'yomi ordinal numbers only go up to ninth rank
on'yomi ordinal numbers are used for tenth rank and beyond
dai だい
(ordinal prefix, no., residence)
ichibanme いちばんめ 一番目
ichi (one)
ban (turn, number in a series)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
ichibanme (the first)

on'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
❖ Also called hitotsume
hitotsume ひとつめ 一つ目
hito.tsu (one)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
hitotsume (first, one-eyed)

kun'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
nibanme にばんめ 二番目
ni (two)
ban (turn, number in a series)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
nibanme (second)

on'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
❖ Also called futatsume
futatsume ふたつめ 二つ目
futa.tsu (two) me (class, eye, look, care, favor) futatsume (second)
kun'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
sanbanme さんばんめ 三番目
san (three)
ban (turn, number in a series)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
sanbanme (third)

on'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
❖ Also called mittsume
mittsume みっつめ 三つ目
mit.tsu | mitsu.tsu (three)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
mittsume (third)

kun'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
yonbanme よんばんめ 四番目
yon (four)
ban (turn, number in a series)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
yonbanme (fourth)

on'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
❖ Also called yottsume
yottsume よっつめ 四つ目
yot.tsu | yotsu.tsu (four)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
yottsume (fourth)

kun'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
gobanme ごばんめ 五番目
go (five)
ban (turn, number in a series)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
gobanme (fifth)

on'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
❖ Also called itsutsume
itsutsume いつつめ 五つ目
itsu.tsu (five)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
itsutsume (fifth)

kun'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
rokubanme ろくばんめ 六番目
roku (six)
ban (turn, number in a series)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
rokubanme (sixth)

on'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
❖ Also called muttsume
muttsume むっつめ 六つ目
muttsu | mutsu.tsu (six)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
muttsume (sixth)

kun'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
nanabanme ななばんめ 七番目
nana (seven)
ban (turn, number in a series)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
nanabanme (seventh)

on'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
❖ Also called nanatsume
nanatsume ななつめ 七つ目
nana.tsu (seven)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
nanatsume (seventh)

kun'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
hachibanme はちばんめ 八番目
hachi (eight)
ban (turn, number in a series)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
hachibanme (eighth)

on'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
❖ Also called yattsume
yattsume やっつめ 八つ目
yat.tsu | yatsu.tsu (eight)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
yattsume (eighth)

kun'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
kyûbanme きゅうばんめ 九番目
kyû (nine)
ban (turn, number in a series)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
kyûbanme (nineth)

on'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
❖ Also called kokonotsume
kokonotsume ここのつめ 九つ目
kokono.tsu (nine)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
kokonotsume (nineth)

kun'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
jûbanme じゅうばんめ 十番目
jû (ten)
ban (turn, number in a series)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
jûbanme (tenth)

on'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
hyakubanme ひゃくばんめ 百番目
hyaku (hundred)
ban (turn, number in a series)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
hyakubanme (hundredth)

on'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
senbanme せんばんめ 千番目
sen (thousand)
ban (turn, number in a series)
me (class, eye, look, care, favor)
senbanme (thousandth)

on'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
-mai まい
(counter for thin flat objects – e.g. sheets of paper)

❖ Used with on'yomi pronunciation of numbers
❖ See sûji
ichimai いちまい 一枚
ichi (one)
mai (counter for flat objects)
ichimai (one flat object)
nimai にまい 二枚
ni (two)
mai (counter for flat objects)
nimai (two flat objects)
sanmai さんまい 三枚
san (three)
mai (counter for flat objects)
sanmai (three flat objects)
yonmai よんまい 四枚
yon (four)
mai (counter for flat objects)
yonmai (four flat objects)
gomai ごまい 五枚
go (five)
mai (counter for flat objects)
gomai (five flat objects)
rokumai ろくまい 六枚
roku (six)
mai (counter for flat objects)
rokumai (six flat objects)
nanamai ななまい 七枚
nana (seven)
mai (counter for flat objects)
nanamai (seven flat objects)
hachimai はちまい 八枚
hachi (eight)
mai (counter for flat objects)
hachimai (eight flat objects)
kyûmai きゅうまい 九枚
kyû (nine)
mai (counter for flat objects)
kyûmai (nine flat objects)
jûmai じゅうまい 十枚
jû (ten)
mai (counter for flat objects)
jûmai (ten flat objects)
(counter for people)

❖ Pronounced -ri when used with hito and futa
❖ One and two are from the hito-futa-mi counting system
❖ See -tsu
❖ The rest are used with on'yomi pronunciation of numbers
❖ Pronounced -nin when used with the on'yomi pronunciation of numbers
❖ See sûji
hitori ひとり 一人
hito- (one)
ri (counter for people)
hitori (one person)

hito- (single, alone)
ri (counter for people)
hitori (one person)

hito- (one, traditional Japanese pronunciation of number) *
ri (counter for people)
hitori (one person)

kun'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
❖ * Usually used in legal and old documents
futari ふたり 二人
futa- (two)
ri (counter for people)
futari (two people)

futa- (two, traditional Japanese pronunciation of number) *
ri (counter for people)
futari (two people)

kun'yomi pronunciation of ordinal number
❖ * Usually used in legal and old documents
sannin さんにん 三人
san (three)
nin (counter for people)
sannin (three people)
yonin よにん 四人
yo (four)
nin (counter for people)
yonin (four people)
gonin ごにん 五人
go (five)
nin (counter for people)
gonin (five people)
rokunin ろくにん 六人
roku (six)
nin (counter for people)
rokunin (six people)
shichinin しちにん 七人
nananin ななにん
shichi (seven)
nin (counter for people)
shichinin (seven people)

nana (seven)
nin (counter for people)
nananin (seven people)
hachinin はちにん 八人
hachi (eight)
nin (counter for people)
hachinin (eight people)
kyûnin きゅうにん 九人
kyû (nine)
nin (counter for people)
kyûnin (nine people)
jûnin じゅうにん 十人
jû (ten)
nin (counter for people)
jûnin (ten people)
jûichinin じゅういちにん 十一人
jû (ten)
ichi (one)
jûichi (eleven)
nin (counter for people)
jûichinin (eleven people)
jûninin じゅうににん 十二人
jû (ten)
ni (two
jûni (twelve)
nin (counter for people)
jûninin (twelve people)
sûji すうじ 数字
sû (number, figures)
ji (character, letter)
sûji (numbers, numerals)

❖ Roman numerals are frequenty used instead of kanji, if the text is written horizontally
❖ kanji are frequenty used when the text is written vertically
on'yomi pronunciation of numbers
ichi いち
hitotsu ひとつ

ichion'yomi pronunciation of number
hitotsukun'yomi pronunciation
futatsu ふたつ
nion'yomi pronunciation of number
futatsukun'yomi pronunciation
san さん
mittsu みっつ

sanon'yomi pronunciation of number
mittsukun'yomi pronunciation
yon よん
yottsu よっつ

yonon'yomi pronunciation of number
yottsukun'yomi pronunciation
❖ Also pronounced shi, although this is frequently avoided because it sounds
like the word for death
itsutsu いつつ

goon'yomi pronunciation of number
itsutsukun'yomi pronunciation
roku ろく
muttsu むっつ

rokuon'yomi pronunciation of number
muttsukun'yomi pronunciation
shichi しち
nanatsu ななつ
nana なな

shichion'yomi pronunciation of number
nanatsukun'yomi pronunciation
❖ Also pronounced nana when used in railroad times
hachi はち
yattsu やっつ

hachion'yomi pronunciation of number
yattsukun'yomi pronunciation
kyû きゅう
kokonotsu ここのつ

kyûon'yomi pronunciation of number
❖ Also pronounced ku although this is frequently avoided because it sounds like the word for pain and suffering
kokonotsukun'yomi pronunciation of number
too とお

on'yomi pronunciation of number
tookun'yomi pronunciation
jû-ichi じゅういち 十一
jû (ten)
ichi (one)
jû-ichi (eleven)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
jû-ni じゅうに 十二
jû (ten)
ni (two)
jû-ni (twelve)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
jû-san じゅうさん 十三
jû (ten)
san (three)
jû-san (thirteen)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
jû-yon じゅうよん 十四
jû-shi じゅうし
jû (ten)
yon (four)
jû-yon (fourteen)

on'yomi pronunciation of ten and kun'yomi pronunciation of four
❖ Also pronounced jû-shi

jû (ten)
shi (four)
jû-shi (fourteen)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
jû-go じゅうご 十五
jû (ten)
go (five)
jû-go (fifteen)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
jû-roku じゅうろく 十六
jû (ten)
roku (six)
jû-roku (sixteen)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
jû-shichi じゅうしち 十七
jû-nana じゅうなな
jû (ten)
shichi (seven)
jû-shichi (seventeen)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
❖ Also pronounced jû-nana

jû (ten)
nana (seven)
jû-nana (seventeen)

on'yomi pronunciation of ten and kun'yomi pronunciation of seven
jû-hachi じゅうはち 十八
jû (ten)
hachi (eight)
jû-hachi (eighteen)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
jû-kyû じゅうきゅう 十九
jû (ten)
kyû (nine)
jû-kyû (nineteen)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
ni-jû にじゅう 二十
ni (two)
jû (ten)
ni-jû (twenty)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
san-jû さんじゅう 三十
san (three)
jû (ten)
san-jû (thirty)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
yon-jû よんじゅう 四十
yon (four)
jû (ten)
yon-jû (forty)

kun'yomi pronunciation of four and on'yomi pronunciation of ten
go-jû ごじゅう 五十
go (five)
jû (ten)
go-jû (fifty)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
roku-jû ろくじゅう 六十
roku (six)
jû (ten)
roku-jû (sixty)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
nana-jû ななじゅう 七十
nana (seven)
jû (ten)
nana-jû (seventy)

kun'yomi pronunciation of seven and on'yomi pronunciation of ten
hachi-jû はちじゅう 八十
hachi (eight)
jû (ten)
hachi-jû (eighty)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
kyû-jû きゅうじゅう 九十
kyû (nine)
jû (ten)
kyû-jû (ninety)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
hyaku ひゃく
hyaku (hundred)

hyakuon'yomi pronunciation of number
momokun'yomi pronunciation of number
❖ Usually the hundreds are pronounced with the on'yomi for one, two, three, five, six, eight, and nine; or the kun'yomi for four and seven followed by hyaku except for the irregular pronunciations noted below
❖ The kun'yomi pronunciation of the hundreds is with the kun'yomi for one to nine minus tsu followed by o – e.g. fu from fu.tsu and o: fuo (200), or yo from yo.tsu and o: (400)
san-byaku さんびゃく 三百
san (three)
byaku (irregular pronunciation of hundred, hyaku)
san-byaku (three hundred)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
roppyaku ろっぴゃく 六百
rop | roku (six)
pyaku (irregular pronunciation of hundred, hyaku)
roppyaku (six hundred)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
happyaku はっぴゃく 八百
hap | hachi (eight)
pyaku (irregular pronunciation of hundred, hyaku)
happyaku (eight hundred)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
sen せん
issen いっせん

senon'yomi pronunciation of number
chikun'yomi pronunciation of number
❖ Pronounced issen when preceeded by another number – e.g. 21,000 is ni-man-issen
❖ Usually the thousands are pronounced with the on'yomi for one, two, three, five, six, eight, and nine; or the kun'yomi for four and seven followed by sen except for the irregular pronunciations noted below
san-zen さんぜん 三千
san (three)
zen (irregular pronunciation of thousand, sen)
san-zen (three thousand)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
hassen はっせん 八千
has | hachi (eight)
sen (thousand)
hassen (eight thousand)

on'yomi pronunciation of number
man まん
(ten thousand, myriad)

manon'yomi pronunciation of number
yorozukun'yomi pronunciation of number
❖ Usually the ten thousands are pronounced with the on'yomi for one, two, three, five, six, eight, and nine; or the kun'yomi for four and seven followed by man
(counter for the hito-futa-mi counting system)
(counter for articles)

(counter for miscellaneous things)

kun'yomi pronunciation of numbers
❖ Pronounced -ko when used with on'yomi pronunciation of numbers
hitotsu ひとつ 一個
hito- (one)
tsu (counter for miscellaneous thing)
hito.tsu (one miscellaneous thing)

hito- (one)
tsu (counter for articles)
hito.tsu (one article)

❖ Traditional Japanese pronunciation of number
futatsu ふたつ 二個
futa- (two)
tsu (counter for miscellaneous things)
futa.tsu (two miscellaneous things)

futa- (two)
tsu (counter for articles)
futa.tsu (two articles)

❖ Traditional Japanese pronunciation of number
mittsu みっつ 三個
mit- | mitsu- (three)
tsu (counter for miscellaneous things)
mittsu (three miscellaneous things)

mit- | mitsu- (three)
tsu (counter for articles)
mittsu (three articles)

❖ Traditional Japanese pronunciation of number
yottsu よっつ 四個
yot- | yotsu- (four)
tsu (counter for miscellaneous thing)
yottsu (four miscellaneous things)

yot- | yotsu- (four)
tsu (counter for articles)
yottsu (four articles)

❖ Traditional Japanese pronunciation of number
itsutsu いつつ 五個
itsu- (five)
tsu (counter for miscellaneous thing)
itsutsu (five miscellaneous things)

itsu- (five)
tsu (counter for articles)
itsutsu (five articles)

❖ Traditional Japanese pronunciation of number
muttsu むっつ 六個
mut- | mutsu- (six)
tsu (counter for miscellaneous thing)
muttsu (six miscellaneous things)

mut- | mutsu- (six)
tsu (counter for articles)
muttsu (six articles)

❖ Traditional Japanese pronunciation of number
❖ Also pronounced mutsu
mutsu むつ 六つ
mu (six)
tsu (counter for articles)
nanatsu ななつ 七個
nana (seven)
tsu (counter for miscellaneous thing)
nanatsu (seven miscellaneous things)

nana- (seven)
tsu (counter for articles)
nanatsu (seven articles)

❖ Traditional Japanese pronunciation of number
yattsu やっつ 八個
yat- | yatsu- (eight)
tsu (counter for miscellaneous thing)
yattsu (eight miscellaneous things)

yat- | yatsu- (eight)
tsu (counter for articles)
yattsu (eight articles)

❖ Traditional Japanese pronunciation of number
kokonotsu ここのつ 九個
kokono- (nine)
tsu (counter for miscellaneous thing)
kokonotsu (nine miscellaneous things)

kokono- (nine)
tsu (counter for articles)
kokonotsu (nine articles)

❖ Traditional Japanese pronunciation of number
too とお
(ten miscellaneous things)

❖ Traditional Japanese pronunciation of number

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