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Dr. Robert Terry's Books — 2 / 23 / 2002

Authentic Leadership:
Courage in Action

by Robert Terry Ph.D.

Leaders and readers—and especially those who are both—have reason to be grateful for this example of authenticity in action.

from the foreword by Harlan Cleveland

Authentic Leadership provides a practical set of tools and guides that leaders can use to enhance their everyday leadership action. Author Robert Terry contends that leadership depends on the ability to frame issues correctly as well as an ability to call forth an authentic response to these issues. This authenticity and action joined together form a sure foundation for effective leadership.

Table of Contents:
Six Views of Leadership
The Enigma of Leadership
Three Traditional Views of Leadership
Three Provocative Views of Leadership
A Model of Leadership: The Action Wheel
Leadership in Human Action: The Model
Using the Human Action Wheel of Leadership
Authenticity in Leadership
Key Aspects of Leadership
Understanding Ethics and Leadership: Reflection and Action
Vision and Leadership: Metaphors in Action
Framing Issues of Power
Revisiting Leadership Studies
A Seventh View of Leadership
On Knowing and Living Leadership
Fear and Courage: Leadership in the Commons
Leadership, Spirituality, and Hope
Resources for Leaders

352 pages—ISBN: 1-55542-547-X
© 1993 Robert Terry, Ph.D.
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from Jossey Bass Publishers

Seven Zones For Leadership:
Acting Authentically in Stability and Chaos

by Robert Terry Ph.D.

As our world changes, so does our understanding of what leadership means. Every day brings a new theme-of-the-day solution. But there are no quick fixes and one leadership style does not fit all. Instead, Seven Zones for Leadership offers a blue-print for placing the needs of any given situation into the context of the world around us and wisely selecting the right strategic actions needed to achieve our goals.

With a panoramic view of the leadership landscape, Robert Terry charts a map of seven interdependent yet different leadership worlds, or zones, that represent everyday challenges executives and managers face and lays our a thoughtful approach to assessing which leadership actions best fit each world. He identifies each zone, from Building Core Competencies and Designing Sustainable Systems, to Affirming Shared Identity and Creating Ownership, and demonstrates the power of each zone's core ideas in practice, while exploring the provocative themes of spirituality and authenticity.

472 pages—ISBN: 0-89106-158-4
© 2001 Robert Terry, Ph.D.
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