Chaos Theory 6 / 14 / 2024
a geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller scales to produce irregular
shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical geometry
used especially in computer modeling of irregular patterns and structures in nature [AHD3]
the butterfly effect
sensitve dependence on initial conditions
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
a principle in quantum mechanics holding that increasing the accuracy
of measurement of one observable quantity increases the uncertainty
with which other quantities may be known [AHD3]
the act of observing changes the observed
complex systems
the more complex a system is, the easier it is to drive into chaotic behavior
human cultures
computers and software
can define boundries, but not position within boundries
the "difficulties" of nonlinearity
the prevalence of nonlinearity
the tendency of older science to ignore / discount nonlinear results
1 <> 1
not all ones are exactly the same
1 + 1 = 3 for large numbers of 1
good enough
catastrophic failure
Tacoma Narrows bridge
Galloping Gertie
order within chaos
order is a subset of chaos
regions of stability
Chaos: Making a New Science - James Gleick
Computers and the Imagination - Clifford A. Pickover