shiyakujin no hokora Neo-Paganism 201
Mentoring Elders
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IntroToCDeath, Dying & Grief

Death, Dying & Grief — 6 / 14 / 2024
death art
    the images of death 
    to focus & express grief
humanizing death
    an attempt at controlling death thru controlling images of death
death denying
    death as the opposite of life
the chasm between living & dead
the moment of mortality
the proximity of death
Samhain / Halloween
    frighten away the angry dead / the restless dead
day / night of the dead
    ancestor worship
    feast for the dead
    all night vigil
the after-life
    [see Soul / Spirit]
fear of abandonment among the young
    purifying or figurative cleansing or release
        of the emotions or of tensions [American Heritage Dictionary 3]
Death the Trip of a Lifetime
    thru the cycle of birth, life, and death
    dying the good death
        when, where, with whom, why, & how
    defining what a good death is
    controlling the causes of death
        going to experts
    social death for the undesirable
        prisons / assylums
    death with meaning
suicide & assisted suicide
the five stages of dying
    1) denial
    2) anger
    3) bargaining
    4) depression
    5) acceptance
suffering [see Fate]
Death the Trip of a Lifetime - Greg Palmer
Meetings at the Edge: Dialogs with the Grieving, and the Dying, the Healing and the Healed
     Stephen Levine
On Death and Dying - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Reaper Man - Terry Pratchett  

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