Deity 6 / 11 / 2024
bi-theism - God & Goddess
monotheism - one god
polytheism - many gods
pantheism - all is god
immanence - existing within / inherent
transcendence - above & independent of the material world
masks of god
masks of eternity
behind the mask
mask as final barrier
the image of god as the final barrier to sacred power
god as manifestation of energy / as vehicle
coming into being - becoming whole
archetypes [see Archetypes]
expressions of the structure of the brain / psyche
form determined by culture
avatar - incarnation of deity / archetype
monster - powers too vast for normal forms to contain
sublime - inspiring awe / impressive
awe - a mixed emotion of reverence, respect, dread, & wonder
deva / daemon - small god
devil / demon / div - evil supernatural entity
reciprocity / exchange
interactions with deity:
1) ask / petition / prayer
2) purify / atonement / confession / sacrament
3) give / offering / sacrifice
4) honor / celebration
5) inquire / divination
Hogfather - Terry Pratchett
Reaper Man - ibid
Small Gods - ibid
The Power of Myth: The Masks of Eternity - Joseph Campbell