shiyakujin no hokora Neo-Paganism 201
Mentoring Elders
shi-yaku-jin no hokoraTable of ContentsBibliographyBackForward
IntroductionHow to Navigate

How to Navigate

If you become lost, refer to the navigation map under the row of buttons in the top navigation bar. (see image below) It shows your current location, and how to get back. Each page above your current location is clickable.

Navigation Map

The navigation buttons are explained below:

Stone Dragon Press Returns you to the Stone Dragon Press web site.
Table of Contents Takes you to the table of contents, when you want to jump to a different topic.
Bibliography Takes you to the books and links related to the current topic, in the bibliography section.
Back If on the main page of a topic, takes you back to the main page of the previous topic. If within a topic, takes you to the previous page, or to the main page of the topic
Back Disabled: Not available for navigation from that page.
Back If on the main page of a topic, takes you foward to the main page of the next topic.
Back Disabled: Not available for navigation from that page.
Search Takes you to search engine for the Mentoring Elders e-book. Currently, the search engine only searches for keywords within a database. It does not search the contents of the pages.
Expand Expand: Takes you to a page within the current topic that contains more information on a particular idea or point.
Collapse Collapse: Takes you back to the current topic, from the expansion page.
Top of Page Takes you to the top of that page.
copyright 2002, Stone Dragon Press Returns you to the Stone Dragon Press web site.
E-Mail the Author Launches your e-mail program, for sending a message to the editor or Stone Dragon Press. (Some e-mail programs will not accept a mailto: command from HTML. If yours' is one, you will have to manually enter: into the To: field of your e-mail program.)
Other Labeled Buttons: Takes you to that page within the current topic or section.

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