Leadership Expansion 6 / 09 / 2024
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® & MBTI®
registered trademarks of Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc.
(E)xtravert / (I)ntrovert
external / internal
outside thrust / inside pull
blurt it out / keep it in
width / depth
work with people / work with ideas
work with things / work with thoughts
interaction / concentration
action / reflection
do-think-do / think-do-think
(S)ensing / i(N)tuition
5 senses / 6th sense
real / potential
practical / theoretical
present / future
facts / insights
using skills / learning skills
utility / newness
step-by-step / intuitive leaps
(T)hinking / (F)eeling
mind / soul
logical system / value system
objective / subjective
justice / mercy
critique / compliment
principles / harmony
reason / empathy
firm but fair / compassionate
life style
(j)udgement / (p)erception
planned / spontaneous
regulated / flow
control over / adapt to
finalized / tentative
run one's life / let life happen
set goals / gather information
decisive / open
organized / flexible
Jung |
Keirsey |
profile |
NF's - idealists |
ENFj |
EF(N) |
teacher |
actor |
INFp |
IF(N) |
healer |
romantic |
INFj |
IN(F) |
counselor |
empath |
ENFp |
EN(F) |
champion |
reporter |
NT's - rationals |
ENTp |
EN(T) |
inventor |
inventor |
INTj |
IN(T) |
mastermind |
analyst |
INTp |
IT(N) |
architect |
observer |
ENTj |
ET(N) |
fieldmarshal |
pioneer |
Sp's - artisans |
ISFp |
IF(S) |
composer |
peacemaker |
ESTp |
ES(T) |
promoter |
conqueror |
ESFp |
ES(F) |
performer |
ambassador |
ISTp |
IT(S) |
operator |
artisan |
Sj's - guardians |
ESFj |
EF(S) |
provider |
enthusiast |
ISTj |
IS(T) |
inspector |
pragmatist |
ISFj |
IS(F) |
protector |
guardian |
ESTj |
ET(S) |
supervisor |
director |
Maslow's hierarchy of needs / pyramid of existence
1st) Physiological: to fulfill hunger, thirst, bodily comforts, etc.;
2nd) Safety/security: to be out of danger;
3rd) Belonginess and Love: to affiliate with others, be accepted;
4th) Esteem: to achieve, be competent, gain approval and recognition;
5th) Cognitive: to know, to understand, and explore;
6th) Aesthetic: to find symmetry, order, and beauty;
7th) Self-actualization: to find self-fulfillment and realize one's potential; and
8th) Transcendence: to help others find self-fulfillment and realize their potential.
(NOTE: not experimentally verified)