Mentoring Mentor 9 / 22 / 2002
the mentor
what is expected of a mentor?
convey the community's culture to protege
strategies for accomplishing goals
provide an open atmosphere for dialogue
listen and question
impart leadership skills
teach specific competencies
show how to use the system
to accomplish goals
give constructive feedback
evaluate accomplishments
assist with self-evaluation
make recommendations
information that might be valuable to share between mentor and protege
how to improve the mentor/protege relationship
suggest books or articles to read and discuss together
provide non-evaluative support
encourage risk taking
build confidence
praise and demonstrate trust
offer advice
provide support and counsel
assist in reaching goals
provide networking opportunities
act as a role model
exhibit leadership
act as a companion, ally and co-learner
know protege
remember that protege may have limited knowledge and experience
get to know protege as an individual
use knowledge of protege's abilities, interests and goals
as a foundation upon which to build
be patient
as you both learn about mentoring
functions of a mentor
provide a different perspective
stimulate learning with a no-pressure, self-discover approach
share experiences
share their knowledge & experience
affirm abilities
teach others to identify their own strengths and weaknesses
doesn't provide solutions
asks questions to facilitate thinking
lets the protege find their own solutions
mentors are sounding boards
teach by example
provide vision and insight
are good listeners and questioners
offer encouragement
remain objective
build confidence
keep information that is shared confidential
act as a role model
don't act as an all-knowing expert
provide honest feedback on the proteges developmental needs and strengths
commit to meeting with the protege on a regular basis
what one thing should a mentor do more of?
more feedback
better availability
more encouragement
more understanding
what one thing should a mentor do less of?
don't give advice too early
let me figure things out for myself
words used most often to describe mentors
benefits of being a mentor
mentoring is a learning experience
satisfaction from helping others develop
satisfaction from giving back to community
provide role models for those who become future leaders
mentoring programs are effective in increased retention