shiyakujin no hokora Neo-Paganism 201
Mentoring Elders
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IntroductionWhy an E-Book?

Why an E-Book?

There are several reasons why we presented this material as an E-Book: ethical considerations, timeliness, distribution, the ability to update instantly and cost.

As much of this material comes from our many teachers, we don't consider it ours to "own." We're merely the current repository of this information. It's our obligation to improve on it and pass it on to the next generation. The copyright on the Introduction page is to keep anyone from trying to monopolize the material; it really belongs to our communities.

Modern Neo-Paganisms ares about seventy five years old. Until recently, none have had people in them long enough for them to have elders. While the basis of elderhood is wisdom, that wisdom comes from accumulated experience. That can only happen through time. There's nothing inherently wrong with book knowledge and education, but it's the mysteries of life that engender wisdom; mysteries that can only be known through experience.

We've waited a long time for something like this material to appear. It hasn't happened yet, and we're too old to wait any longer. (While this was true when we originally wrote this, there are finally a couple of advanced books on the market.) So here it is, the first draft of the next step in the evolution of Neo-Paganism. It's on the internet so as many people as possible can add to it, or modify it to suit their community's needs. This is just a beginning.

As we stated earlier, this is a work in progress. We expect it evolve as our understanding grows and as other people share their experiences with us. It grows as we and our communities grow. This is not now, nor should it ever be "finished." The internet allows this growth and evolution. Changes can be easily incorporated into the body of this material and then propagated back to our communities. Furthermore, if you disagree with the direction towards which this "book" is moving, feel free to take this information and modify it to suit the needs of your community.

The dynamic nature of the material herein would make it prohibitively expensive to print in a book form. The frequency of change alone in our culture dooms it failure. The cost of running and maintaining a web site is far less than printing a book.

But there's another kind of cost. We're deliberately not charging for this information. We personally think that what's contained herein is too important to place a mere monetary value on it. Never-the-less, it does have a cost. It's taken us over two hundred years, collectively, to accumulate and evaluate this information; we're far from done. There's so much left to know; we expect to die before we're finished. If you choose to follow, you too will spend a lifetime on this journey.

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